Census Bureau Median Family Income by Family Size 2018

U.Southward. real median household income through 2014

Map of states past median household income in 2014.

Map of states by median family income in 2014.

Household income is an economic measure that tin be practical to one household, or aggregated across a large group such every bit a canton, city, or the whole state. It is ordinarily used by the Us government and private institutions to describe a household's economic status or to rails economical trends in the U.s..

Household income is measured in diverse means. One key measure is the existent median level, meaning half of households have income to a higher place that level and half below, adjusted for aggrandizement. According to the Federal Reserve, this measure out was $51,939 in 2013, below the 1999 elevation of around $57,000.[ane] The Census Agency estimated existent median household income at $53,657 for 2014 and $54,462 in 2015. Household income varies by race, with Asians the highest in 2014 at over $74,000 and African Americans the lowest around $35,000.[2]

The distribution of U.S. household income has get more unequal since around 1980, with the income share received by the superlative 1% trending upwards from around 10% or less over the 1953–1981 period to over 20% by 2007.[3] After falling somewhat due to the Keen Recession in 2008 and 2009, inequality rose again during the economical recovery, a typical pattern historically as the wealthy tend to be affected relatively more by economical swings.[4] [v]


  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Recent trends
  • iii Uses
  • 4 Median inflation-adjusted ("existent") household income
    • 4.1 CBO income growth study
  • 5 Mean household income
  • 6 Mean vs. median household income
  • 7 Aggregate income distribution
  • 8 Household income and demographics
    • 8.1 Racial and indigenous groups
    • viii.2 Education and gender
    • 8.3 Historic period of householder
    • 8.four Household size
    • 8.v Geography
      • eight.5.1 Income by state
  • 9 Social form
  • x Distribution of household income
    • ten.one Distribution of household income in 2014 according to US Census information
  • eleven See also
  • 12 References
  • xiii External links


A household's income can be calculated various ways merely the Us Census as of 2009 measured information technology in the following manner: the income of every resident over the age of 15, including wages and salaries, unemployment insurance, disability payments, child support payments received, regular rental receipts, also as whatsoever personal business, investment, or other kinds of income received routinely.[6]

The residents of the household exercise not have to be related to the head of the household for their earnings to be considered function of the household's income.[seven] As households tend to share a like economic context, the use of household income remains among the most widely accepted measures of income. That the size of a household is not commonly taken into account in such measures may distort any analysis of fluctuations within or among the household income categories, and may render direct comparisons between quintiles hard or even impossible.[eight]

Recent trends

File:Us GDP per capita vs median household income.png

In recent years, U.S. economic growth is non translating into college median family unit incomes. Existent GDP per capita has increased since 2009 while the existent median income per household has not, indicating either a trend of greater income inequality or of smaller households.[9]

In 2014 the median household income was $53,657 according to the U.S. Demography Bureau. This represents the tertiary consecutive twelvemonth in which the change was non statistically significant. The real median household income was 6.5% lower in 2014 than in 2007, the twelvemonth before the final recession and 7.two% lower than in 1999, the median household income meridian.[10]

U.S. real wages for ordinary (i.e., product and nonsupervisory) workers remain slightly below their 1970s tiptop.[11]

The U.Southward. Census Bureau reported in September 2014 that:

  • U.S. real (aggrandizement adjusted) median household income was $51,939 in 2013 versus $51,759 in 2012, statistically unchanged.
  • In 2013, real median household income was 8.0 percentage lower than in 2007, the twelvemonth before the latest recession.
  • Real median household income averaged $50,781 from 1964-2013, ranging from a depression of $43,558 in 1967 to a loftier of $56,895 in 1999.[12]

Commenting on the Demography Bureau report, economist Ben Casselman wrote that U.S. median household income was "...9 percent lower than at its height in 1999, and essentially unchanged since the end of the Reagan administration." The "recovery" from the 2007-2009 recession had not translated into higher incomes for the typical American family.[xiii]

Changes in median income reflect several trends: the aging of the population, changing patterns in work and schooling, and the evolving makeup of the American family unit, as well as long- and short-term trends in the economic system itself. For instance, the retirement of the Baby Blast generation should push downwardly overall median income, as more persons enter lower-income retirement. All the same, assay of dissimilar working age groups indicate a like blueprint of stagnating median income besides.[13]

Announcer Annie Lowrey wrote in September 2014: "The root causes [of wage stagnation] include technological modify, the turn down of labor unions, and globalization, economists think, though they disagree sharply on how much to weight each factor. But strange-produced appurtenances became sharply cheaper, significant imports climbed and production moved overseas. And computers took over for humans in many manufacturing, clerical, and administrative tasks, eroding middle-class jobs growth and suppressing wages."[14]

Another line of analysis, known as "total bounty," presents a more than complete picture of real wages. The Kaiser Family unit Foundation conducted a study in 2013 which shows that employer contributions to employee healthcare costs went upward 78% from 2003 to 2013.[15] The marketplace has made a trade-off: expanding benefits packages vs. increasing wages.

Measured relative to Gross domestic product, full compensation and its component wages and salaries have been declining since 1970. This indicates a shift in income from labor (persons who derive income from hourly wages and salaries) to uppercase (persons who derive income via buying of businesses, state and assets). This trend is common beyond the developed globe, due in part to globalization.[16] Wages and salaries accept fallen from approximately 51% Gdp in 1970 to 43% Gdp in 2013. Total compensation has fallen from approximately 58% Gdp in 1970 to 53% GDP in 2013.[17]

Even so, every bit indicated past the charts below, household income has all the same increased significantly since the late 1970s and early on 80s in real terms, partly due to higher individual median wages, and partly due to increased opportunities for women.

According to the CBO, Between 1979 and 2011, gross median household income, adjusted for inflation, rose from $59,400 to $75,200, or 26.v%.[18] Still, once adapted for household size and looking at taxes from an after-tax perspective, existent median household income grew 46%, representing significant growth.[19]


Use of individual household income: The government and organizations may look at one particular household's income to make up one's mind if a person is eligible for certain programs, such as nutrition aid [20] or demand-based fiscal aid,[21] amidst many others.

Use at the aggregate level: Summaries of household incomes across groups of people - often the entire country- are besides studied as part of economical trends like standard of living and distribution of income and wealth. Household income as an economic measure tin be represented as a median, a mean, a distribution, and other ways. Household income can be studied across time, region, didactics level, race/ethnicity, and many other dimensions. Every bit an indicator of economical trends, it may be studied along with related economic measures such every bit disposable income, debt, household internet worth (which includes debt and investments, durable goods like cars and houses), wealth, and employment statistics.

Median aggrandizement-adjusted ("real") household income

Median inflation-adapted ("existent") household income by and large increases and decreases with the business bicycle, declining in each year during the periods 1979 through 1983, 1990 through 1993, 2000 through 2004 and 2008 through 2012, while rising in each of the intervening years.[18] Farthermost poverty in the United States, meaning households living on less than $2 per day earlier government benefits, more than than doubled from 636,000 to 1.46 one thousand thousand households (including two.viii million children) between 1996 and 2011, with most of this increase occurring between tardily 2008 and early 2011.[22]

Us canton household median income 2012.

CBO income growth study

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office conducted a report analyzing household income throughout the income distribution, by combining the Census and IRS income data sources. Dissimilar the Census measure of household income, the CBO showed income before and after taxes, and past also taking into account household size.[23] Also, the CBO definition of income is much broader, and includes in kind transfers as well every bit all monetary transfers from the government.[23] The Census' official definition of coin income excludes food stamps and the EITC, for case, while CBO includes it.

Between 1979 and 2011, gross median household income, adjusted for inflation, rose from $59,400 to $75,200, or 26.v%. This compares with the Census' growth of 10%.[eighteen] Withal, once adjusted for household size and looking at taxes from an after-revenue enhancement perspective, real median household income grew 46%, representing significant growth.[19]

While median gross household income showed much stronger growth than depicted by the Census, inequality was shown to all the same accept increased. The top 10% saw gross household income abound by 78%, versus 26.5% for the median. Interestingly, the bottom 10%, using the aforementioned measure, saw college growth than the median (xl%).[19]

Hateful household income

Another mutual measurement of personal income is the mean household income. Dissimilar the median household income, which divides all households in two halves, the mean income is the boilerplate income earned by American households. In the case of mean income, the income of all households is divided by the number of all households.[24] The mean income is normally more affected past the relatively unequal distribution of income which tilts towards the top.[25] As a result, the hateful tends to be higher than the median income, with the acme earning households boosting it. Overall, the mean household income in the United states, according to the US Census Agency 2014 Annual Social and Economical Supplement, was $72,641.[26]

The US Demography Bureau as well provides a breakdown by self-identified ethnic groups as follows (as of March 2014):

Hateful Household Income by Ethnicity[26]
Ethnic Category Mean Household Income
Asian lonely $90,752
White alone $79,340
Hispanic or Latino $54,644
Black $49,629

Mean vs. median household income

Median income is the corporeality which divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income higher up that amount, and half having income beneath that corporeality. Hateful income (average) is the amount obtained by dividing the total aggregate income of a group by the number of units in that group. The means and medians for households and families are based on all households and families. Means and medians for people are based on people 15 years old and over with income.

— U.s.a. Demography Bureau, Frequently Asked Question, published by Showtime Gov.[24]

Amass income distribution

The aggregate income measures the combined income earned past all persons in a particular income group. In 2007, all households in the United States earned roughly $7.723 trillion.[27] One half, 49.98%, of all income in the The states was earned by households with an income over $100,000, the peak twenty percent. Over ane quarter, 28.5%, of all income was earned past the superlative 8%, those households earning more $150,000 a yr. The superlative 3.65%, with incomes over $200,000, earned 17.5%. Households with annual incomes from $50,000 to $75,000, xviii.2% of households, earned xvi.v% of all income. Households with annual incomes from $fifty,000 to $95,000, 28.1% of households, earned 28.eight% of all income. The bottom 10.3% earned i.06% of all income.

Household income and demographics

Racial and ethnic groups

Race Income.png

in 2005

Despite advances minorities accept fabricated to go out poverty, at that place is however an uneven racial distribution among the income quintiles. While White Americans made up roughly 75.1% of all persons in 2000,[28] 87.93% of all households in the top 5% were headed by a person who identified as being White lone. Only four.75% of all household in the top 5% were headed past someone who identified him or herself as existence Hispanic or Latino of whatever race,[29] versus 12.5% of persons identifying themselves as Hispanic or Latino in the general population.[28]

Overall, 86.01% of all households in the top two quintiles with upper-eye range incomes of over $55,331 were headed by a caput of household who identified him or herself equally White alone, while only vii.21% were being headed by someone who identified as being Hispanic and 7.37% by someone who identified as being African American or Black.[29] Overall, households headed by Hispanics and African Americans were underrepresented in the top two quintiles and overrepresented in the bottom two quintiles. Households headed by persons who identified as being Asian alone, on the other paw, were overrepresented among the top 2 quintiles. In the summit five percent the percentage of Asians was nearly twice as high as the percent of Asians amidst the general population. Whites were relatively fifty-fifty distributed throughout the quintiles only beingness underrepresented in the lowest quintile and slightly overrepresented in the top quintile and the summit v percent.[29]

In terms of race in 2010 data, Asian American households had the highest median household income of $57,518, European-American households ranked 2nd with $48,977, Hispanic or Latino households ranked third with $34,241. African-American or Black households had the lowest median household income of all races with $30,134.[thirty]

Ethnic group All households Lowest fifth Second fifth Heart fifth Fourth fifth Highest fifth Top 5%
White alone Number in 1000s 92,702 16,940 18,424 18,978 xix,215 nineteen,721 v,029
Pct 81.93% 74.87% 81.42% 83.87% 84.92% 87.16% 87.93%
Asian solitary Number in 1000s iv,140 624 593 786 871 1,265 366
Percent three.65% 2.76% 2.26% iii.47% 3.84% v.59% 6.46%
Blackness Number in 1000s 13,792 4,474 3,339 two,637 2,053 1,287 236
Percentage 12.19% 19.77% fourteen.75% xi.65% 9.07% five.69% 4.17%
Hispanic or Latino
(of any race)
Number in 1000s 12,838 iii,023 3,130 ii,863 i,931 1,204 269
Percentage 11.33% 13.56% 13.83% 12.20% 8.53% 5.89% 4.75%

SOURCE: US Census Bureau, 2004 [29]

Pedagogy and gender

File:Education Income.jpg

This graph shows the median almanac household income in accordance with the householder's educational attainment. The information merely applies to household with a householder over the age of 20-v.[31]

Household income as well as per capita income in the United States rise significantly as the educational attainment increases.[32] In 2005 graduates with a Master'due south in Business Administration (MBA) who accustomed chore offers were expected to earn a base salary of $88,626. They were besides expected to receive an "boilerplate signing bonus of $17,428."[33]

According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the Usa had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced caste was $72,824 with men averaging $ninety,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually. Year-circular full-fourth dimension workers with a professional person degree had an average income of $109,600 while those with a Principal's degree had an average income of $62,300. Overall, "…[a]verage earnings ranged from $eighteen,900 for loftier schoolhouse dropouts to $25,900 for loftier school graduates, $45,400 for college graduates and $99,300 for workers with professional degrees (M.D., D.P.T., D.P.M., D.O., J.D., Pharm.D., D.D.Southward., or D.Five.M.).[34]

Individuals with graduate degrees have an average per capita income exceeding the median household income of married couple families among the general population ($63,813 annually).[34] [35] Higher educational attainment did not, yet, aid close the income gap between the genders equally the life-fourth dimension earnings for a male person with a professional degree were roughly xl pct (39.59%) college than those of a female with a professional person caste. The lifetime earnings gap between males and females was the smallest for those individuals holding an Associate degrees with male life-fourth dimension earnings being 27.77% higher than those of females. While educational attainment did not aid reduce the income inequality between men and women, it did increase the earnings potential of individuals of both sexes, enabling many households with one or more graduate degree householders to enter the top household income quintile.[34] These data were not adjusted for preferential differences amid men and women whom attend college. For case, men frequently written report fields of engineering while women often pursue social sciences. Since the difference between earnings in said fields of report are often quite large, it is natural for us to observe men earning more than women.[ citation needed ] That is to say, not all degrees are created as.

Household income as well increased significantly with the educational attainment of the householder. The US Demography Bureau publishes educational attainment and income data for all households with a householder who was anile twenty-five or older. The biggest income deviation was between those with some higher education and those who had a Bachelor's degree, with the latter making $23,874 more than annually. Income also increased essentially with increased post-secondary pedagogy. While the median annual household income for a household with a householder having an acquaintance degree was $51,970, the median annual household income for householders with a bachelor's caste or higher was $73,446. Those with doctorates had the second highest median household with a median of $96,830; $18,289 more than that for those at the master's degree level, but $3,170 lower than the median for households with a professional degree holding householder.[31]

Criteria Overall Less than 9th form Some high school Loftier schoolhouse graduate Some higher Acquaintance caste Bachelor's degree Bachelor'south degree or more Main's degree Professional degree Doctoral degree
Median annual individual income Male, age 25+ $33,517 $xv,461 $eighteen,990 $28,763 $35,073 $39,015 $50,916 $55,751 $61,698 $88,530 $73,853
Female, age 25+ $19,679 $9,296 $10,786 $15,962 $21,007 $24,808 $31,309 $35,125 $41,334 $48,536 $53,003
Both sexes, historic period 25+ $32,140 $17,422 $20,321 $26,505 $31,054 $35,009 $43,143 $49,303 $52,390 $82,473 $lxx,853
Median annual household income $45,016 $xviii,787 $22,718 $36,835 $45,854 $51,970 $68,728 $73,446 $78,541 $100,000 $96,830

SOURCE: US Census Bureau, 2003 [31] [36]

This graph shows the median household income in 2003 dollars according to educational attainment.[31]

The modify in median personal and household since 1991 too varied greatly with educational attainment. The post-obit table shows the median household income according to the educational attainment of the householder. All data is in 2003 dollars and only applies to householders whose householder is anile twenty-v or older. The highest and lowest points of the median household income are presented in bold face.[31] [36] Since 2003, median income has continued to ascension for the nation as a whole, with the biggest gains going to those with acquaintance degrees, bachelor'due south degree or more than, and master's degrees. Loftier-school dropouts fared worse with negative growth.

Year Overall Median Less than 9th class Some high school High school graduate Some college Associate degree Bachelor'due south caste Bachelor's degree or more Principal's caste Professional caste Doctoral caste
1991 $twoscore,873 $17,414 $23,096 $37,520 $46,296 $52,289 $64,150 $68,845 $72,669 $102,667 $92,614
1993 $40,324 $17,450 $22,523 $35,979 $44,153 $49,622 $64,537 $70,349 $75,645 $109,900 $93,712
1995 $42,235 $18,031 $21,933 $37,609 $44,537 $50,485 $63,357 $69,584 $77,865 $98,302 $95,899
1997 $43,648 $17,762 $22,688 $38,607 $45,734 $51,726 $67,487 $72,338 $77,850 $105,409 $99,699
1999 $46,236 $19,008 $23,977 $39,322 $48,588 $54,282 $70,925 $76,958 $82,097 $110,383 $107,217
2001 $42,900 $18,830 $24,162 $37,468 $47,605 $53,166 $69,796 $75,116 $81,993 $103,918 $96,442
2003 $45,016 $18,787 $22,718 $36,835 $45,854 $56,970 $68,728 $73,446 $78,541 $100,000 $96,830
Average $43,376 $18,183 $23,013 $37,620 $46,109 $51,934 $66,997 $72,376 $78,094 $104,368 $94,487

SOURCE: United states Census Bureau, 2003 [31]

Historic period of householder

Household income in the U.s. varies substantially with the age of the person who heads the household. Overall, the median household income increased with the age of householder until retirement age when household income started to decline.[37] The highest median household income was institute amidst households headed past working baby-boomers.[37]

Households headed by persons between the ages of 45 and 54 had a median household income of $61,111 and a hateful household income of $77,634. The median income per member of household for this item group was $27,924. The highest median income per fellow member of household was among those between the ages of 54 and 64 with $30,544 [The reason this figure is lower than the adjacent grouping is because Pensions and Social Security add together to income while a portion of older individuals likewise have work-related income.].[37]

The grouping with the second highest median household income, were households headed past persons between the ages 35 and 44 with a median income of $56,785, followed past those in the historic period grouping between 55 and 64 with $50,400. Not surprisingly the lowest income group was composed of those households headed by individuals younger than 24, followed by those headed past persons over the historic period of 75. Overall, households headed by persons in a higher place the historic period of seventy-5 had a median household income of $xx,467 with the median household income per member of household being $xviii,645. These figures support the general assumption that median household income every bit well as the median income per member of household peaked among those households headed by center aged persons, increasing with the age of the householder and the size of the household until the householder reaches the age of 64. With retirement income replacing salaries and the size of the household declining, the median household income decreases as well.[37]

Household size

While median household income has a trend to increase up to four persons per household, information technology declines for households across four persons. For instance, in the state of Alabama in 2004, 2-person households had a median income of $39,755, with $48,957 for three-person households, $54,338 for four-person households, $50,905 for five-person households, $45,435 for half dozen-person households, with vii-or-more-person households having the 2nd lowest median income of only $42,471.[38]


Considering other racial and geographical differences in regards to household income, information technology should come equally no surprise that the median household income varies with race, size of household and geography. The land with the highest median household income in the United states equally of the United states Census Agency 2009 is Maryland with $69,272, followed by New Jersey, Connecticut and Alaska, making the Northeastern United States the wealthiest area by income in the unabridged land.[39]

Regionally, in 2010, the Northeast reached a median income of $53,283, the Due west, $53,142, the South, $45,492, and the Midwest, $48,445.[xl] Each figure represents a decline from the previous twelvemonth.

Income by state

In 2010, the median household income by state ranged from $35,693 in Mississippi to $66,334 in Maryland. California, with the highest median home price in the nation[41] and dwelling prices that far outpaced incomes,[42] only ranked 9th with a median household income of $61,021.[43] While California'due south median income was not nearly enough to afford the average California dwelling or fifty-fifty a starter home, Due west Virginia, which had i of the nation's lowest median household incomes, likewise had the nation'due south lowest median dwelling house cost.[41] [43]

By Census Agency Region, of the fifteen states with the highest median household income, only Minnesota is located in the Mid-West, while seven are in the Northeast (New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, Delaware and New York) one is in the South (Virginia), and the other six (Alaska, Hawaii, California, Washington, Colorado and Utah) are in the Westward.

The southern states had, on average, the everyman median household income, with nine of the country'south 15 poorest states located in the Southward. However, most of the poverty in the Due south is located in rural areas. Metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Richmond, Birmingham, Dallas, Houston, and Miami are areas within the southern states that take above average income levels. Overall, median household income tended to exist the highest in the nation's virtually urbanized northeastern, upper midwestern and w coast states, while rural areas, mostly in the southern and mountain states (like New Mexico, Montana and Idaho), had the lowest median household income.[43]

Median Household Income past State [44]

Rank Country 2009 2008 2007 2004–2006 Price of Living Index[45] 2009 Information adapted for COL base period
one Maryland $69,272 $70,545 $68,080 $62,372 124.81 $55,502
2 New Jersey $68,342 $70,378 $67,035 $64,169 128.47 $53,197
3 Connecticut $67,034 $68,595 $65,967 $59,972 130.22 $51,477
iv Alaska $66,953 $68,460 $64,333 $57,639 132.64 $fifty,477
5 Hawaii $64,098 $67,214 $63,746 $60,681 165.56 $38,716
half-dozen Massachusetts $64,081 $65,401 $62,365 $56,236 117.viii $54,398
vii New Hampshire $60,567 $63,731 $62,369 $lx,489 116.68 $51,909
eight Virginia $59,330 $61,233 $59,562 $55,108 97.66 $sixty,752
Commune of Columbia $59,290 $57,936 $54,317 $47,221 (2005)[46] 139.92 $42,374
9 California $58,931 $61,021 $59,948 $53,770 132.56 $44,456
10 Delaware $56,860 $57,989 $54,610 $52,214 102.iv $55,527
xi Washington $56,548 $58,078 $55,591 $53,439 103.98 $54,384
12 Minnesota $55,616 $57,288 $55,082 $57,363 102.23 $54,403
thirteen Colorado $55,430 $56,993 $55,212 $54,039 102.23 $54,221
14 Utah $55,117 $56,633 $55,109 $55,179 95.15 $57,926
15 New York $54,659 $56,033 $53,514 $48,201 128.29 $42,606
16 Rhode Isle $54,119 $55,701 $53,568 $52,003 123.25 $43,910
17 Illinois $53,966 $56,235 $54,124 $49,280 96.08 $56,168
18 Nevada $53,341 $56,361 $55,062 $50,819 101.39 $52,610
nineteen Wyoming $52,664 $53,207 $51,731 $47,227 98.66 $53,379
20 Vermont $51,618 $52,104 $49,907 $51,622 120.38 $42,879
United states of america $50,221 $52,029 $50,740 $46,242 (2005)[46]
21 Wisconsin $49,993 $52,094 $50,578 $48,874 96.45 $51,833
22 Pennsylvania $49,520 $l,713 $48,576 $47,791 100.67 $49,190
23 Arizona $48,745 $l,958 $49,889 $46,729 103.73 $46,992
24 Oregon $48,457 $l,169 $48,730 $45,485 110.47 $43,864
25 Texas $48,259 $l,043 $47,548 $43,425 91.04 $53,009
26 Iowa $48,044 $48,980 $47,292 $47,489 93.98 $51,122
27 North Dakota $47,827 $45,685 $43,753 $43,753 95.91 $49,867
28 Kansas $47,817 $fifty,177 $47,451 $44,264 91.31 $52,368
29 Georgia $47,590 $50,861 $49,136 $46,841 92.21 $51,610
thirty Nebraska $47,357 $49,693 $47,085 $48,126 91.09 $51,989
31 Maine $45,734 $46,581 $45,888 $45,040 116.42 $39,284
32 Indiana $45,424 $47,966 $47,448 $44,806 94.nineteen $48,226
33 Ohio $45,395 $47,988 $46,597 $45,837 93.85 $48,370
34 Michigan $45,255 $48,591 $47,950 $47,064 95.25 $47,512
35 Missouri $45,229 $46,867 $45,114 $44,651 91.66 $49,344
36 South Dakota $45,043 $46,032 $43,424 $44,624 98.53 $45,715
37 Idaho $44,926 $47,576 $46,253 $46,395 93.04 $48,287
38 Florida $44,736 $47,778 $47,804 $44,448 98.39 $45,468
39 Southward Carolina $44,625 $43,329 $40,822 98.71 $42,997
40 Northward Carolina $43,674 $46,549 $44,670 $42,061 96.21 $45,394
41 New Mexico $43,028 $43,508 $41,452 $40,827 98.88 $43,515
42 Louisiana $42,492 $43,733 $xl,926 $37,943 96.fifteen $44,193
43 Montana $42,322 $43,654 $43,531 $38,629 100 $42,322
44 Tennessee $41,725 $43,614 $42,367 $xl,676 89.49 $46,625
45 Oklahoma $41,664 $42,822 $41,567 $40,001 90.09 $46,247
46 Alabama $40,489 $42,666 $40,554 $38,473 92.74 $43,659
47 Kentucky $forty,072 $41,538 $40,267 $38,466 89.21 $44,919
48 Arkansas $40,489 $41,393 $42,229 $41,679 ninety.61 $41,743
49 Due west Virginia $37,435 $37,989 $37,060 $37,227 94.4 $39,656
50 Mississippi $36,646 $37,790 $36,338 $35,261 92.26 $39,720

Household income is one of the well-nigh commonly used measures of income and, therefore, also one of the most prominent indicators of social class. Household income and education practise not, however, always reflect perceived class status correctly. Sociologist Dennis Gilbert acknowledges that "... the class structure... does not exactly friction match the distribution of household income" with "the mismatch [existence] greatest in the centre..." (Gilbert, 1998: 92) As social classes unremarkably overlap, it is not possible to define exact class boundaries.

Co-ordinate to Leonard Beeghley[ citation needed ] a household income of roughly $95,000 would be typical of a dual-earner middle class household while $60,000 would exist typical of a dual-earner working course household and $18,000 typical for an impoverished household. William Thompson and Joseph Hickey[ citation needed ] see common incomes for the upper class equally those exceeding $500,000 with upper middle class incomes ranging from the high 5-figures to most commonly in excess of $100,000. They claim the lower middle class ranges from $35,000 to $75,000; $16,000 to $30,000 for the working class and less than $two,000 for the lower grade.

Academic form models
Dennis Gilbert, 2002 William Thompson & Joseph Hickey, 2005 Leonard Beeghley, 2004
Form Typical characteristics Class Typical characteristics Class Typical characteristics
Capitalist form (1%) Superlative-level executives, high-rung politicians, heirs. Ivy League instruction mutual. Upper class (1%) Top-level executives, celebrities, heirs; income of $500,000+ common. Ivy league education common. The super-rich (0.nine%) Multi-millionaires whose incomes commonly exceed $350,000; includes celebrities and powerful executives/politicians. Ivy League education mutual.
Upper centre class[1] (15%) Highly-educated (often with graduate degrees), nigh commonly salaried, professionals and middle management with big work autonomy. Upper middle grade[1] (15%) Highly-educated (often with graduate degrees) professionals & managers with household incomes varying from the high 5-figure range to commonly higher up $100,000. The rich (5%) Households with net worth of $1 1000000 or more; largely in the course of habitation equity. Generally accept higher degrees.
Middle class (plurality/
majority?; ca. 46%)
College-educated workers with considerably higher-than-average incomes and compensation; a human being making $57,000 and a woman making $40,000 may be typical.
Lower center course (30%) Semi-professionals and craftsmen with a roughly average standard of living. Most accept some college education and are white-collar. Lower middle course (32%) Semi-professionals and craftsmen with some work autonomy; household incomes unremarkably range from $35,000 to $75,000. Typically, some higher education.
Working class (xxx%) Clerical and virtually blue-collar workers whose work is highly routinized. Standard of living varies depending on number of income earners, but is ordinarily just adequate. High school education.
Working course (32%) Clerical, pink- and blue-collar workers with oft low job security; common household incomes range from $16,000 to $30,000. High school educational activity. Working class
(ca. twoscore–45%)
Blue-collar workers and those whose jobs are highly routinized with depression economical security; a man making $40,000 and a woman making $26,000 may be typical. High school pedagogy.
Working poor (13%) Service, low-rung clerical and some blue-neckband workers. Loftier economical insecurity and run a risk of poverty. Some loftier school education.
Lower class (ca. 14–20%) Those who occupy poorly-paid positions or rely on government transfers. Some high schoolhouse teaching.
Underclass (12%) Those with limited or no participation in the labor strength. Reliant on authorities transfers. Some high school didactics. The poor (ca. 12%) Those living below the poverty line with limited to no participation in the labor forcefulness; a household income of $18,000 may be typical. Some high schoolhouse education.
References: Gilbert, D. (2002) The American Class Structure: In An Age of Growing Inequality. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, ISBN 0534541100. (come across as well Gilbert Model);

Thompson, W. & Hickey, J. (2005). Society in Focus. Boston, MA: Pearson, Allyn & Salary; Beeghley, Fifty. (2004). The Structure of Social Stratification in the The states. Boston, MA: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.

The upper middle class may also be referred to every bit "Professional class" Ehrenreich, B. (1989). The Inner Life of the Middle Class. NY, NY: Harper-Collins.

Distribution of household income

Distribution of household income in 2014 according to United states of america Demography data

The percent of households with six effigy incomes and individuals with incomes in the meridian 10%, exceeding $77,500.[ citation needed ]

Usa Census Bureau figures for 2014
Income of Household Number (thousands) [47] Percentage Percentile Mean Income [47] Mean number of earners [48] Mean size of household [48]
Total 124,587 $75,738 one.28 2.54
Under $5,000 4571 iii.67% 0 $1,080 0.20 ane.91
$5,000 to $nine,999 4320 three.47% 3.67th $7,936 0.34 1.78
$10,000 to $14,999 6766 v.43% 7.14th $12,317 0.39 1.71
$15,000 to $19,999 6779 5.44% 12.57th $17,338 0.54 1.ninety
$xx,000 to $24,999 6865 5.51% 18.01th $22,162 0.73 2.07
$25,000 to $29,999 6363 5.11% 23.52th $27,101 0.82 2.19
$30,000 to $34,999 6232 5.00% 28.63th $32,058 0.94 2.27
$35,000 to $39,999 5857 iv.70% 33.63th $37,061 i.04 2.31
$forty,000 to $44,999 5430 iv.36% 38.33th $41,979 1.xv 2.40
$45,000 to $49,999 5060 4.06% 42.69th $47,207 1.24 2.52
$50,000 to $54,999 5084 iv.08% 46.75th $51,986 one.32 2.54
$55,000 to $59,999 4220 3.39% 50.83th $57,065 ane.41 2.56
$60,000 to $64,999 4477 3.59% 54.22th $62,016 ane.46 two.64
$65,000 to $69,999 3709 2.98% 57.81th $67,081 ane.51 2.67
$lxx,000 to $74,999 3737 iii.00% lx.79th $72,050 1.57 2.73
$75,000 to $79,999 3484 ii.eighty% 63.79th $77,023 1.sixty 2.79
$eighty,000 to $84,999 3142 2.52% 66.58th $81,966 1.63 2.79
$85,000 to $89,999 2750 2.21% 69.11th $87,101 1.77 2.90
$90,000 to $94,999 2665 2.xiv% 71.31th $92,033 1.82 two.96
$95,000 to $99,999 2339 one.88% 73.45th $97,161 1.81 2.97
$100,000 to $104,999 2679 2.15% 75.33th $101,921 one.79 three.01
$105,000 to $109,999 2070 1.66% 77.48th $107,187 one.88 3.01
$110,000 to $114,999 1922 i.54% 79.14th $112,069 one.93 three.12
$115,000 to $119,999 1623 1.30% 80.68th $117,133 ane.98 3.fourteen
$120,000 to $124,999 1863 1.50% 81.99th $122,127 1.93 three.09
$125,000 to $129,999 1452 i.17% 83.48th $127,166 one.99 3.12
$130,000 to $134,999 1512 i.21% 84.65th $131,863 ii.00 3.18
$135,000 to $139,999 1219 0.98% 85.86th $137,284 1.98 3.11
$140,000 to $144,999 1290 1.04% 86.84th $142,199 1.97 3.03
$145,000 to $149,999 1024 0.82% 87.87th $147,130 2.01 3.eleven
$150,000 to $154,999 1146 0.92% 88.70th $151,940 1.85 three.12
$155,000 to $159,999 848 0.68% 89.62th $157,177 ii.08 3.15
$160,000 to $164,999 875 0.seventy% ninety.30th $162,019 2.02 3.13
$165,000 to $169,999 786 0.63% 91.00th $167,101 ii.ten 3.xvi
$170,000 to $174,999 717 0.58% 91.63th $172,169 ii.17 3.21
$175,000 to $179,999 607 0.49% 92.21th $177,187 2.19 three.28
$180,000 to $184,999 619 0.fifty% 92.69th $182,055 2.03 3.xix
$185,000 to $189,999 556 0.45% 93.19th $187,299 2.03 3.xx
$190,000 to $194,999 485 0.39% 93.64th $192,241 2.19 iii.29
$195,000 to $199,999 436 0.35% 94.03th $197,211 two.23 three.27
$200,000 to $249,999 3249 ii.61% 94.38th $220,267 2.08 3.24
$250,000 and over 3757 three.02% 96.98th $402,476

Come across as well

  • List of countries by average wage
  • Income inequality in the Usa
  • Economy of the Us


  • Income inequality metrics
    • Atkinson index
    • Gini coefficient
    • Hoover index
    • Theil index
  • International Ranking of Household Income
  • Wedlock gap
  • Median income per household fellow member


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  47. 47.0 47.i US Census Bureau, "Income Distribution to $250,000 or More for Households: 2014". Accessed 2016-03-21. http://www.census.gov/hhes/world wide web/cpstables/032015/hhinc/hinc06.xls
  48. 48.0 48.ane US Census Bureau, "Selected Characteristics of Households, by Total Money Income in 2014". Accessed 2016-03-21. http://www.census.gov/hhes/world wide web/cpstables/032015/hhinc/hinc01_1.xls

External links

  • Income, Poverty, and Wellness Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2003
  • Reynolds, Alan (Jan 8, 2007). "Has U.S. Income Inequality Really Increased?". Policy Assay. Cato Institute (586).<templatestyles src="Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css"></templatestyles>
  • U.S. Census Bureau's web-site for income statistics
  • NPR.org statistics and background on income inequality in the The states
  • Datasets by U.S. State of low income, very depression income, extremely low income limits


Source: https://infogalactic.com/info/Household_income_in_the_United_States

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